Thursday, January 22, 2009

Longchamp Bag

Finally got a oversea gift from him.
It's a blue colour longchamp bag from Korea. Am happy to receive it.
I think it's a first gift from him from his oversea trip...
Although it's not ex, but really treasure it...

Business Trip

Saw his eticket to Korea. From 30-Jan to 2-Mar. Feel so sad.
Know i should not feel this way since he is going for work, but just cannot help it.
2 other engineer going with him.. Will they try something funny there?
Most probably he will smoke i guess. (but i cannot blame him after all)
What abt Joelle, how am i going to see her? I am to blame. Don't dare to drive.
Maybe going to bro's house during this period. But really want to try and see if i can manage by myself.. Feel scare... (for being alone or other??????)

A Very Tired Day Ahead

Woke up today hopping for a better start. But somehow or rather, feeling so moody.
Could it be a bad year ahead? Sigh~~ hopefully not.
Just only half day had pass and I am already hoping to go off.. Hubby not working today so will bring Joelle back to SG in the afternoon.
Am really looking forward to see her everyweek. I guess she is my reason to carry on..


Very funny, came and pick me up at 6pm at my office. Went for dinner together.
Sent me home by 7.15pm. Told me left something at office and went back to take...
It's now 9.30pm. Still not back!! ...
Wonder why took so long??? Finally back at around 10pm.

I don't know if i am loosing trust in him or... i lay down on him, try to smell if there is any other unfamiliar smell on him.. (didn't catch anything) Did ask him why took so long, told me to settle some work issue with engineer.
Hopefully is i am being too suspicious.