Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Korea Trip 6-Mar ~ 10-Mar

It's been the day I had been looking forward to!
My 2nd oversea trip to Korea. Since my hubby can only came back maybe in end March or early April. He actually asked me if I like to go Seoul to meet up with him, and I was thinking "Why not" and i began to book my ticket and off to Korea I go...

My flight departs at 10.45pm and by 8.30pm i was at Changi Airport waiting..
My whole family including little Nicholas was there to send me off. Time seems to pass very very slowly and i checked in the gate at 10.15pm. And i board the plane and waited...
Finally the plane took off on time and i spend the 6hrs flight sleeping..
Day 1 (7th March 2009)
Before I knew it, it was 6am at Seoul...

I freshen up abit waiting to see my dearest hubby..
I saw him immediately once i collected my luggage and we gave each other a very deep kiss...
It was very very cold. Temperate outside was 0 degree.. We had a coffee in the airport and took a taxi back to our hotel Kaya...
While walking to the taxi he turned around and plant a kiss on my lips.. the sensation was great.. I will remember this kiss for life.. So romantic & sweet of him.
In the taxi he cannot seems to keep his hands off me.. well...... ha ha anyway i didn't really bothered much as I was looking out of the windows at the scenery... What a beautiful place.
Finally after 45mins ride we are back in the hotel... and we made the most intensified love which seems like ages since we last made love it feels very different from the pass which we had... i began to fall in love with him once again. After this, i look at his cute face before i fell asleep too in each other's arm..........
When we woke up it was around noon time. And we made love again for the 2nd time, this time we takes time to pleased each other.. It hurts abit from too much friction but it was worth it... Regret that i didn't bring along my lub! Haha
We took a shower and off to sightseeing we go!
First he took me to a noodle house and we both had ramee for lunch.. Taste great!
Then we took a taxi to Namdaemoon market but the taxi driver seems do not know the place. We drop off at a shopping center and decided to go for some windows shopping. Then as we walked, we then realised the market was just beside the shopping mall. Haha okay it was like normal pasar malam selling all fake bags and clothes. Actually i enjoy more on the food and snacks more.. And then we went back to the hotel.. Rest abit and went out for dinner.
At night it was freezing cold, we eat korean BBQ and i ordered myself a bottle of shoju to keep myself warm..
Then we ended then night. Back at hotel, i felt so sleeply that i dozed off.. My hubby said i snored well i guess this is the 1st time i get to sleep so soundly for the pass 1 month.
Day 2 (8th March 2009)
Woke up in the afternoon and had a quickie.. Hehe it's so sweet to be together with him.
We took a shower and once again took a taxi to Seoul Station. There.. we had Mc Donalds for lunch and took a taxi once again to Lotte Department store to buy longchamp bags for Suzanne and my SIL.
We shopped around and then we go for dinner again at the Korean BBQ stall. Food was really great and the boss is so friendly once she knew we were tourist.
After the dinner we went back to the hotel and get some rest and another round of it.. (seems that we can't get enough of each other)
Day 3 (9th March 2009)
We woke up in the afternoon and again starts the day with a quickie.. Then we had Korean style porridge for lunch.. Actually not too bad the food. Then we took a train to Seoul station and shop for some food stuffs at Lotte Mart. I bought the Kimchi paste, chopsticks, snacks and not forgetting the famous Kimchi.
Then we went back to hotel to put out things and took a rest. There is computer in our room and inside there are so steamy videos. He initiated it and once again for the 6th time we done it.
Then at night we went to seoul tower for some sightseeing. The cable car we took was ok, actually i was afraid of heights but with him around i have nothing to worry about. We had a western style dinner at the top of seoul tower then retreat back to the hotel.
Day 4 (10th March 2009)
It the day my trip ended, I decided to give it a 1 last shot even though i am hurting down south.. It would be another 1 month before we can do it. After this we shower and took a taxi to airport.
I feel that it's really sweet of him to accompany me all the way to airport and after he send me off he needs to go back all the way to Seoul station for KTX train back to Ulsan..
I gave him a kiss goodbye and proceed to the check in gate, once in there i turn around the took a final glimps of him and i am on my way back to SG. Really really missed him and enjoyed the trip.
Dear i am waiting for your returns. I would be another 1 more month for us...I LOVE YOU.