Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday / 27-Feb-2009

Day 28

Today is the day my princess is born. She is turning 2 this year. As what i had expected. He wouldn't be back this early and even extended his stay till Mid March. I am devasted when i heard this.... I really really hate him for leaving me all alone in SG for so long.
Actually i am not unhappy because of his extend but just that i hate it when in the first place he told me he can come back either early or at least on time 2-Mar but till the very very last min i was being told extended till Mid March and was only when i asked him then he told me.
It was like giving me hope to see him soon but ended up it didn't came true... I was desperatly looking forward to 2-Mar and I even marked on my office calander but today I made a very big red cross on 2-Mar.
I think i will not count down till 13-March, just let the days goes on it's own.
I cannot bear myself to talk to him after that cos i know we would end up quarreling again. SIghz.....

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