Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Terrible Headache

Day 26

I woke up with a terrible headache today. The pain was so intense that i could not even moved my head to hard.
Thinking of taking MC for today but even though if i stay at home i had nothing much to do also. So i decided to go for work instead. (Better to save up my MCs and leaves)
Last night was another sleepless night for me. Actually by 10.30pm i was already feeling very sleeping. But once when i hit the slacks, i became fresh.. my mind starts to get very very actively... Tried to force myself to turn off my mind but couldn't...
I look at the clock... gosh !!! 2.30am... i think no choice have to take 1/2 sleeping pills and the finally i managed to sleep...

Actually i am really looking forward to my Taiwan trip in April. This time my best buddy Suzanne and her hubby will be going with us too.
But what i am afraid of this last min he can't make it due to work again.. Haiz..
But i think i will still proceed to book the tour and will decide again when times comes...

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