Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wednesday / 19-Feb-2009

Day 19

I really don't understand why i keep having this similar dream over and over again.
Last night i dream that he was actually unfaithful to me. He had alot of secrets which i only found out in the dream. And the girl which appeares in my dream was actaully my secondary school friend. But funny thing was this girl was not even the closest friend of mine. She just happen to be a hi & bye friend which wasn't even the same class as me.
In my dream, he is staying with her, even if i brought along Joelle he didn't even care... I woke up breaking into cold sweat.. My whole body shivered... I wanted to cry but i can't.. I am very very moody for the rest of the morning...
Few weeks ago, i also had a dream which he is unfaithful to me. In that dream, i caught him on a shopping trip with a girl, but i cannot remember who that party was... the dream show that i caught him carrying lots of shopping bags for the girl and i confronted him and ask him whose $ did he used to spend on the girl... and he told me was from our joint account!! This made my blood boil... and then i woke up..

With those dreams I don't know whether was I feeling too insecured. It's been almost 3 weeks since I we had last been together. But we did still make a point to call up each other during weekdays...
I really really don't understand.. Everytime when i woke up having such kinds of dreams, i feel very depressed. Wonder if I need to see a "shrink" about it.

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