Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wednesday / 04-Feb-2009

Day 6
Oh dear, i woke up late again for work. Took a cab to work again. (Sigh, must make it a point to wake up earlier)
I still didn't feel right.... My nose is still runny, my throat hurts, my head spin...
Dear... I think i better see another doctor today after work...
I really feel like taking MC today to really rest at home, but my collegue who is going on for ML soon. So i have to back up her area... Sigh!! I think see how the doctor says tonight.

Another 10 days to Valentine's day, and this would be the 1st time i am spending it without my valentine..
Actually it doesn't really matters much to me lah, almost all the time is just a dinner to end the night.. (no flowers / gifts) But this yr i think i suspect I might be receiving something from him.. Hehehe...
So stay tune!!

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